Natural environment becomes unable to support its native species due to human activity.
Examples for "habitat destruction"
Examples for "habitat destruction"
1Thanks to habitat destruction and the cage-bird trade, there aren't any more.
2The main threats to binturongs are habitat destruction, hunting, and the wildlife trade.
3Hunting and habitat destruction have also driven them to the verge of extinction.
4They are threatened by habitat destruction, illegal collection, poaching, and competition with invading species.
5But the new species is already threatened by habitat destruction.
1The near-extinction of the species has also been attributed to habitat loss.
2Worldwide, invasive species are the second-biggest cause of extinction after habitat loss.
3Hundreds of bird species are threatened by habitat loss, pollution and climate change.
4Importantly, habitat loss is driving ruffed lemurs' distributions and genetic health.
5Why isn't the issue of habitat loss garnering more attention in this election?
6Everywhere are signs of ecological collapse, habitat loss, adaptive behaviours and mass extinction.
7Thanks to this habitat loss most of Madagascar's 113 lemur species are endangered.
8Hunting, habitat loss, and lack of prey led to its extinction.
9In the wild, African lions are threatened by hunting, disease and habitat loss.
10And they're already declining in huge numbers due to habitat loss and pesticides.
11They blame multiple causes, particularly habitat loss, pollution and pesticides.
12The consequence has been continued habitat loss, one of the key drivers of extinction.
13Tigers are most threatened by habitat loss, and especially poaching.
14The red panda has seen its numbers reduced to a few thousand through habitat loss.
15But collection for the pet trade, habitat loss, and local hunting has decimated its population.
16Conservationists say that habitat loss, predation by American mink and changeable weather are to blame.
Translations for habitat loss